Rest for our Restlessness!

Once upon a time, a man watched a king who was playing with a chicken. Amazed, the man asked if he had nothing more important to do. “A man cannot always do important things”, the king answered. “Only when I deal with seemingly insignificant things from time to time, I am able to do also the important things.”

To prevent a burnout it is necessary to see the importance of rest and recovery. Regular breaks reduce fatigue and increase efficiency. Therefore, plan your breaks deliberately! Take time to exercise and drink water.

Keep the evening quiet. Lights and screens rob us of our night’s rest. Proper sleep increases the quality of life and helps prevent disease. Maintain a regular sleeping routine and rest peacefully when you go to bed in the evening.

Welcome the weekend! The Creator rested on the Sabbath day and presents us every week with 24 hours rest for our body, mind and soul. Take time for relationships and time to love. Enjoy these gifts!

Care for a timeout. The “holiday effect” is marked by interruption of work, change of location and time for us and our loved ones. Switching off is the key to recreation and the means to dissociate mentally and emotionally from stresses and strains.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest” (Matthew 11:28). The true rest is in the grace of Jesus Christ. He wishes for us to have optimum life quality!

Dr. Christoph Bornand, Dentist

© Health Ministries Department - EUD. All rights reserved
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